This is one of my favourite stories in a long while and appeared in yesterday's Sun.
The gist of the story is that a young graduate sent an email to a radio boss with an idea for a show and said boss replied writing 'only a cretin would want you anywhere near a microphone and the mass media'.
Now on the face of it you think 'how awful, what a rude reply' etc etc but then read further into the story. Read the email exchanges in full here.
Oh he was rude but all of a sudden you have a sudden wave of sympathy for the radio boss.
How on earth did this girl get through university, get a Masters and come out the other end thinking writing a scrappy email with no information and imagining the person on the other end would be at her beck and call would result in a shiny new job?
If that were the case maybe I should send a quick missive to the head of BBC comedy...
Dear Comedy Bloke (or blokette),
I have an idea for a sitcom. It is very good. Please come to my house on Monday at 7.37pm to discuss the idea and bring your cheque book.
Luv Beki
(PS Can you pick up a loaf of bread and some biscuits on your way - feel free to choose your favourite biscuits).
*shakes head despairingly*
I'm impressed he did her the courtesy of a reply. I'd just have deleted it and forgotten about it.
Posted by: Stegbeetle | 08 March 2007 at 09:48 AM
Yes, I'm kinda with the guy, to be honest. If it were an 18 year old, fresh out of high school then perhaps he could have put the kid gloves on but really, there's no excuse for her to be so obutse about professional behaviour.
Posted by: Ms Mac | 08 March 2007 at 03:29 PM
I think the radio guy is a dick. But that's just me...
Posted by: tikkles | 15 March 2007 at 11:42 PM