I admit a few tears flowed this afternoon. After ten long weeks, we came to the end of the road with one of the hand rears, Flint. Unlike her three surviving siblings she did not thrive and as they moved onto solid foods it became more apparent that her bowels had not formed properly and sadly there was nothing that could be done for her. So sadly she went to the vets today to be put to sleep. It is never a decision taken lightly, and the charity we work with only takes the option on the vets recommendation and when the animal's quality of life becomes notably poor and their is no other route. As always the vets were fantastically supportive.
It was particularly difficult as we hand reared her from a few hours old so you do naturally become very attached.
However, we come home to the raptuous welcome from her three siblings who are now tear aways causing havoc and ready to find their own permanent homes. At least three of them have made it as we know for a fact that none of the litter would have survived due to a very real threat from somebody who supposedly passed as a human! Here's a photo of the terrors, l-r Pip, Whizz and Pugesly, behind bars!!
On a side track, I can't expect to be cheered up by the BBC tonight. BBC1 now has Holby Blue - all the misery of Casualty but in a police station...
kitten, kittens, cat+welfare,
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