I wish you all health, happiness and peace in 2009. If you get those you are wealthy...okay, the gas board won't accept them as legal tender but trust me they are true wealth.
From every angle we are told how awful 2009 will be. It may be the effect of Pollyanna being shown on tv today but I live in hope that sometimes the worst of times brings out the best of people.
One thing I would like to see, or rather hear, is a change of vocab' in 2009. I'm so bored of 'chav', 'gay' and the continual removal of vowels by the under 16s. I would like to see some words I haven't heard in recent years make a comeback, notably: cadswallop, rapscallion, twaddle, huzzah and whither.
And whatever you do, try and do something the Daily Mail would brand as beyond the boundaries of taste and decency once a week. You'll feel so much better...
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