If there is one thing I feel uncomfortable with,it is jealousy. Nothing irritates me more than those people who on hearing x, y or z has happened to you reply 'well it's all right for some'. Grrr. Hard as it is to believe the good things that have happened in my life didn't land there by accident or chance. Quite often those good things can also mask many moments of failure, doubt, fear and disappointment on the way. I don't like to do 'do you know what it took me' routine either as that can easily descend into poor me.
That said last week the green eye monster did raise its head. Someone else had what I wanted and for a moment I seethed with jealously and couldn't bring myself to have the grace to offer them the congratulations they dually deserved.
Thankfully, it was only a few moments until I remembered some wise words from life coach Suzy Greaves (actually she was good fortune that landed in my lap via a competition win!).
There is a healthy kind of envy, the envy where you identify something you want but instead of grumping 'it's all right for some', you twist the envy to be inspiration and allow it to fuel your own ambitions and goals.
I am also a huge advocate of Psychologies magazine - purveyors of sense. Do visit and register at their website www.psychologies.co.uk for some great personality tests which are very insightful. I've just done 'Are you naturally jealous?'. My result...
You don't seem to show jealousy at all, but this in fact indicates that you have trouble expressing your need for love. Allow yourself to admit when you feel jealous ; it's only natural, after all, to feel jealous now and again." So perhaps a little green eyed monster every now and then isn't such a bad thing after all.
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