Sometimes it is best to avoid the news. An endless stream of death and destruction can easily leave you overwhelmed, sometimes it is best just to look away for a while.
However, other days you put up the news sites on the internet and youth faith in human absurdity is fully restored within two or three clicks.
Today there are two such stories.
First North Carolina Pair Feud Over Leg. I’ve linked to the story but to summarise, Mr Wood had his leg amputated above the knee after a plane crash in 2004. Not wanting to be buried without his leg whenever he should hop off this mortal coil, Mr Wood kept his leg in a bbq smoker. The smoker was kept in a storage facility, Mr Wood falls behind on payments and his items are sold off as part of the dispute cue Mr Whisnant who finds himself the new owner of a smoker and a leg.
The leg was sent to the police, who concluded no foul play and passed it on to a funeral home until Mr Wood could collect. But by this time Mr Whisnant had a little trade of charging people to look in the empty smoker he asked for the leg back, as he says with hallowe’en around the corner he could charge more if the limb was there too. This all has a ring of a Simpson’s episode about it.
Mr Woods, the man who kept his leg in a smoker, is saying Mr Whisnant is making a freak show out of this and thus the two men are at loggerheads in a custody case.
I’m sure there’s a way to sledgehammer in a joke regarding Heather Mills McCartney…
And as if that wasn’t enough, cue next headline. Feuding Nuns Force Convent Demise. The last three remaining nuns in an Italian convent came to blows, thus forcing it shut. As a convent educated girl I’m not entirely shocked, you soon learn a cornered nun can be a vicious animal.
The Sound of Music would have been much with nuns like this, ‘Nuns Kneeing Nazis’ – I’d pay to see that.
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