So, in March I trooped along to Slimming World. A friend had lost weight on it and raved about it, and I decided I was in the right frame of mind to lose the lard.
I made a conscious decision not to mention it to anyone. I didn't want the constant hassle of how are you doing? what have you lost? should you be eating that?
Well in the last 31 weeks I've lost 3st 1.5lbs and Mum doesn't mind me telling you she's lost 4st in the same time.
I'm now comfortable enough with how it's going to be able to blog about it. in fact, I actually want to blog about it and the madness that is going through my brain on this journey.
The cold, hard facts are I've never eaten as much, I still eat biscuits and have cake when I feel like. Yes I know it sounds too good to be true but the Slimming World plan is basically common sense. It is flexible, it is workable, it isn't a 'diet' and it is designed so when you reach target weight the maintenance just flows. Never mind me waffling go see for a proper explanation.
I always stay to group, because the support is brilliant and I've met such lovely people through it.
I have alot more weight to go so prepare to be with me for a long journey. I don't want to bore you to death with it but every now and then it would help me to vent or celebrate on here when needed
PS My group leader, Anita, is wonderful and nothing like Marjorie Dawes but I do have a habit of saying 'I'm off to fat fighters'. Dust is syn free.
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