First I offer you a huge pallet fire and now a helicopter crash in my own back garden! This is indeed a blog of action.
I went out to water our garden this morning (sorry southern readers, didn’t mean to make you jealous but we haven’t got a hosepipe ban….mmmm, look at my rubber tubing spouting…)
I looked across, sans glasses so everything was in a beautiful mist like when Miss Ellie used to appear on Dallas, and could see something yellow resting on my greenhouse tent. ‘Mmm’ I thought, not able to make out the form, ‘I wonder if I left a pair of secateurs there?’
Over I went and found…a black and yellow remote control helicopter in a rather bent fashion. I don’t think this is its first crash landing though due to copious amounts of duct tape already present. There is no sign of a miniature pilot – perhaps he bailed out.
I’ve put a note up in the local shop so hopefully someone will claim what has once been their pride and joy I’m sure.
This isn’t the first time I have found something foreign in our garden despite the fact we live in a cul-de-sac and have a totally enclosed back garden. In fact we are very lucky garden wise. As we are on a corner our back garden is about three times bigger than others in the area. It is enclosed by a medieval hawthorn tree boundary, private and safe for the cats.
Despite having a closed in garden I have in the past gone out to find a rottweiler sat in the middle of the lawn (he could have just walked into other peoples gardens but decided to clear a 3foot gate to visit us. He was as soft as muck, thankfully!), someone’s pet rabbit (who terrorised our cats) and a cat with a tag which said in Spanish it had full rabies protection. Most animals around here seem to think we are some sort of drop in centre.
There does seem to be a wind tunnel effect down the driveaway and things, such as autumn leaves, get blown down into our garden and collect in little piles. In the past I have found amongst the wind presents an in-date lottery ticket (not a winner) and a five pound note.
Who said gardening wasn’t rewarding?
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